Art for Climate Change


We are mobilising everyone across Nigeria and beyond to act for climate change through education, creativity, innovation, technology and entrepreneurship and art. Art and music will help us to reach our goal quickly.

The ‘Climate Art’ aim to analyse the problems, flash the warning signs of climate change, focus on climate adaptation, and carbon emission, and depict climate solutions on CANVAS to galvanise and spur positive action worldwide.
Each ART on CANVASS represents two or more climate solutions. The process began from calling for climate solutions, selected solutions became ART and the ARTWORKS transformed into campaign tools to develop and advocate for more climate solutions.

The ART depicts the ‘GOALS of COP26’ and ‘The Climate Solutions’ submitted by the Finalists on 17 CANVASSES to spur global action.
The artworks have become powerful utilities to develop climate solutions and get everyone to act for the planet
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